Attention Investors and Real Estate Professionals!!!!
We provide independent housing research, advice and consulting. Our mission is to help investors, homebuyers and executives make informed decisions in regards to their most valued asset, their Real Estate. Our firm provides Builders/Developers, Banks/Lenders, Investors, and Building Product Manufacturers with the timely analysis they need to make smart decisions, quickly and cost effectively. Our research is backed by detailed data, as well as proprietary tools and a network of experts around the country.
Consulting Services provided
- Real Estate Appraisal Reviews (local, regional)
- Real Estate Valuation for Litigation
- Property Tax Assessment Appeals Consulting
- Strategy for Government Entities and Property Owners
- Real Estate Valuation for Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, and Estate Planning
- Appraisal Review for Mortgage Financing or Litigation
- Appraisals for Mortgage Financing
- Appraisals for Mark-to-Market and other Asset Management Purposes
- Best Practices Consultation for Real Property Taxation Portfolio Advice
- Real Estate Investment advice